• NOBIS Austria
NOBIS Austria is a network for scientists working in the broad field of biological systematics
– on evolutionary research, phylogeny and taxonomy – theoretically, philosophically and pragmatically.
NOBIS Austria aims to promote biosystematics as a fundamental discipline for numerous basic and
applied biological sciences concerning all kingdoms of life.
NOBIS Austria supports biosystematic activities in Austria and coordinates national and
international ones.
NOBIS Austria acts as a forum for interdisciplinary communication and promotes contacts
within the scientific community, with politics and to the public.
NOBIS Austria aspires intensive cooperation with other associations interested in similar topics,
and is a member of BioSyst.EU, the European umbrella organisation for biological systematics.
The 18th NOBIS conference took place from November 28 to 29 at the Natural History Museum Vienna.
We congratulate this year's award winners
NOBIS MSc Award: Elora Marx for her contribution "Basilosaurus predation and possible sexual dimorphism in a late Priabonian Archaeocete from Fayoum, Egypt"
NOBIS PhD Preis: Thomas Strohmeier for his contribution"Cryptic diversity in snow scorpionflies (Boreus spp.) in relation to cuticular chemistry and geography"
NOBIS Stipendium: Vincent Kendlbacher for his project "A taxonomic revision of Chimaeridae"
Pictures from our previous meetings gallery |